
June 26, 2024

What’s in a name? A Lot!

नामाखिलस्य व्यवहार हेतुःशुभावहं कर्म सुभाग्य हेतुः। Name is the cause of all behavior, goodness is the cause of action, good fortune. A word to call us, refer us, that becomes our identity—Our Name. Giving our kids a name is a vital task. Cause, that develops a basic responsive system in a child, and as well […]

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Demistyfing Kaal-Sarpa Yoga

Astrologers may tell you Kaal Sarpa Dosh in your horoscope is making you homeless, unmarriageable, unemployed accident prone but many successful people around the world have this Kaal Sarpa Dosh. That’s why this is termed as Kaal Sarpa dosh and Yog both.  Historically, Rahu and Ketu gained prominence in Jyotish literature starting around 600-800 C.E.

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Decoding Doshas in Astrology,

Why so much chaos Around the world?

Whenever planets have irregular or abnormal motion, things go differently on Earth. Believe it or not, chaos up there has a direct impact on this earth. During the Mahabharat war, there was heavy turbulence happening with the planets and their motions. Two motions majorly create havoc around the world. ●Retrograde motion which is backward movement

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Pitra Paksh

The following period of 15 days is called Pitra Paksh, dedicated to our Pitras. Pitra Paksh is to perform rituals for our ancestors to get their blessings. We must perform Tarpan which satisfies the spirits of our ancestors for one whole year. It is possible that a family may suffer if timely Tarpan is not

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Everything You Need To know About Kundalini

What is Kundalini? Well, it is the representation of the consciousness of mankind.Furthermore, it is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and is situated at the root of the spinal column. In the male body, it is situated in the perineum, which is between the urinary and excretory organs.Whereas in

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A Holistic Approach Towards Attaining a Healthy Lifestyle In Connection With Solar Plexus

A holistic approach towards attaining a healthy lifestyle in connection with solar plexus:- With the years passing by our approach towards life is changing drastically, where now we are packed in the hustle and bustle of life. Not just this, we have started taking our health for granted based on the excuses that life is

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Vastu Shastra

Everything you need to know about Vastu Shastra We human beings are always surrounded by vibrations of energy around us. Considering this fact, most of us spend our time in a building, which we refer to as a home, workplace, etc. Hence, these vibrations constantly hover around us at all times. However, these could be

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Signification of 12 Houses in Astrology

12 House Judgment Of Houses In – Horoscope There are 12 Houses in a horoscope which are divided into 30 degree for each house (cumulatively making up 360 degrees.) Each house has different indications, significance and predictions. The individual attributes of these 12 houses are listed below – Significance Of 1st House Physical body (physique),

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Karma Kanda & The Essential Forms Of Puja

Karma Kanda & The Essential Forms Of Puja In the Vedas, there are 3 types of kandas viz. Karma kanda, jnana kanda and upasana kanda. Out of which, today we are going to discuss in detail about karma kanda. Where karma kanda is related to the execution of fruitive activities. It is referred to as

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