Signification of 12 Houses in Astrology
June 26, 2024
12 House

Judgment Of Houses In – Horoscope
There are 12 Houses in a horoscope which are divided into 30 degree for each house (cumulatively making up 360 degrees.) Each house has different indications, significance and predictions. The individual attributes of these 12 houses are listed below –
Significance Of 1st House
Physical body (physique), appearance, head, intelligence, strength, energy, success, nature of birth, aura, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigor, weakness, happiness, grief and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending Rashi.
Significance Of 2nd House
Wealth, assets (physical assets), family, speech verbal communication capabilities of an individual, eyes, teeth, face, voice, food grains (food etc.), accidental death, metals, precious stones etc.
Significance Of 3rd House
Valor, younger siblings, confidants, courage, mental strength, communication skills, creativity, throat, ears, servants, brothers, sisters etc., initiatory instructions (Upadesha), will power, inner strength, command, journey and bonding with siblings.
Significance Of 4th House
Conveyances, mother and maternal relatives, relation with mother, vehicles, liquid assets or money, house, lands, immovable property, motherland, childhood, wealth from real-estate, happiness, comforts, pleasures, peace, state of mind, heart. Mind, concentration, pitituary gland (ajna chakra), Chandra nadi, emotions, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings.
Significance Of 5th House
Sacred spells, learning (learned), knowledge, sons, fame, social reputation, educational qualifications, ojas, vitality, brilliancy, Children, good deeds of previous lives, intelligence, knowledge & scholarship, devotion, prayers (mantras), digestive system, Sushmana nadi, authority/power, social lifestyle, love, affection, judgment, speculation, royalty (or authority), fall of position etc.
Significance Of 6th House
Maternal uncle, Enemies, service, servants, relatives, mental tension, injuries, health, diseases, agriculture, accidents, mental affliction, mother’s younger brother, hips, doubts and fears, enemies, ulcers, career feild, suitable fields for career, step-mother.
Significance Of 7th House
Work places and work related travels, Marriage, marital life, life partner, Intimacy in relationships, affairs, passion, long journeys, buisness partners, the portion of the body below the navel (private parts of the body), Mooladhara chakra, partnership, extramarital affairs, trade, loss of sight, wife’s family and her match (bonding) with you.
Significance Of 8th House
Longevity, debts, disease, defamation, inheritance, loss of friends, occult studies, evils, gifts, unearned wealth, windfall, disgrace, secrets, genitals, battle, enemies, forts, spiritual enlightment, wealth of the dead and things, that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births).
Significance Of 9th House
Fortunes, wife’s brother, Father, teacher, boss, fortune, religiousness, spirituality, God, higher education & high knowledge, fortune in a foreign land, foreign trips, guru diksha (joining a religious order), grandchildren, principles, dharma, intuition, compassion, sympathy, leadership, charity, thighs, luck, faith in god, visits to shrines etc.
Significance Of 10th House
Royalty (authority), place, growth, profession, career, karma (action), conduct in society, fame, honors, awards/rewards, self-respect, dignity, knees, diversivication or expansion of work, profession (livelihood), honour, father, relation with father, paternal family, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from 10th House.
Significance Of 11th House
All articles, son’s wife, Elder siblings, Income, gains, realization of hopes, friends, ankles, income, prosperity.
Significance Of 12th House
Expenses, Losses, punishment, imprisonment, hospitalization, misfortune, bad habits, sleep, meditation, charity, secret enemies, left eye, feet, residence away from the place of birth, moksha (emancipation/liberation), tours and travel, propensity to travel abroad etc.