What’s Happening with India ?
August 14, 2024
As we are in August month now, the annual horoscope of India needs to get studied for the upcoming days of India, which was made on the day we got independence and that is, 15th August 1947. Being one of the largest democracies in the world, India’s future holds importance not just for South-East Asia but for the whole world.
Every year, since 2022, many astrologers have been predicting the possibility of war. However, my astrological assessment might offer a fresh perspective that could challenge these predictions.
I hope my predictions will help you plan your days ahead and strategize your business in a better way. Here are my top 8 predictions for India in the coming years:
1. In the year 2025, between the months April to September – Waqf board bill will be passed.
2. For the next 7 to 8 years, political instability will be a major concern for India.
3. The Indian economy is doing well currently, but it may experience a slowdown between the starting year of 2026 to mid-2028.
4. From mid-2025 to 2026, approximately 1.5 to 2 years, countries like the U.K. and other Western nations could face some political and civil unrest, along with natural calamities taking a severe turn.
5. As Ketu will be crossing the Leo Sign, which is in the 4th house of India’s horoscope, a well-known figure from the ruling party might face security threats, legal troubles, or harm between mid-2025 and the end of 2026.
6. There is a possibility that some conflict may happen with the our neighboring countries in the second half of the year 2027 or in 2030.
7. War-like situations could arise between many different countries. If a World War 3 occurs, it might be rooted in religious conflicts (धर्म युद्ध).
8. NDA will come in power again in 2029, but the government may not be that stable enough to run the country smoothly for the next 3 years.
9. In the year 2025, between April and September, the Waqf board bill will be passed. This is the time when India will enter Sun Antar Dasha and Sun the 4th lord is in a very positive state. The 4th house in Electional astrology denotes Govt, the ruling party. So this Sun Antar Dasha will give the stability as well as Independence to decide to move ahead with the important Waqf amendment bill.
As this is mostly regarding the property and power that comes under the Waqf Act, so this 4th lord which is for the property will finalize the amendment. Govt will start showing its strength from March 2025 and Many pending bills and policies will get passed at that time without much delay.
10. For the next 7 to 8 years, political instability will be a major concern for India. Once Mars Mahadasha starts, there will not be much peace in our life as Mars is the 12th and 7th lord and will be more opposed to the country rather than any sort of stability. This is Ardra Mars which gets agitated real quick so people will be protesting the Govt for every small issue. And the attitude of India will also be high on spirit.
11. Indian economy is doing well currently, but it may slow down a bit between the beginning of 2026 and to middle of 2028. As Mars Mahadasha will start for India, it will have an economic blow, but a mild blow. Mars is the 12th house lord, which will make the economy a bit messy. Moreover, Mars is for fighting not for accumulating or strengthening nations with foreign reserves.
12. From mid 2025 to 2026, for approximately 1.5 years countries like the UK and other Western nations would face some political and civil unrest, along with natural calamities taking a severe turn. Saturn in Pisces especially in Purva Bhadrapad will do some mass destruction around the world. Specially U.K will be having maximum heat as the Pisces sign already has the Sun in the UK’s natal chart. With Jupiter Atichari in Gemini in the 8th house of the UK, it will affect the entire Europe.
13. From mid-2025 to 2026, any political figure from the ruling Govt may face some severe legal issues, even he may face some security threats. During this time Ketu will be crossing the 4th house of Leo in India’s horoscope which talks about the ruling party as I mentioned above will give some destruction to the leader of the Ruling party where the UL of India is also there.
14. The entire Bengal region will face a very rough time between the time frame of 2025 and 2026.
Public agitation and civil war types of situations may be seen. Tough time for the CM of Bengal will also be seen. Mamta Banerjee may suffer health issues also from this year’s end onwards.
15. Possibility of having some conflict with neighboring countries in the second half of the year 2027 or in 2031. Mars-Jupiter period of India along with the lord of LUCK Saturn debilitated in the 12th house (Aries sign) will force us to be in some war with others. Or it can be that we will not be having any way to escape that conflict. Though Jupiter will be crossing Upapada lagna in the 4th house then it’s Jupiter hence India will have having upper hand in that.
16. NDA will come into power again in 2029 but Govt may not be that stable to run the country smoothly for 5years. Till the time Jupiter is steady as well Saturn will not be in Virgo, there is no peace for India. So no matter who is coming into power or who is running the country things will be tumultuous. So no sign of relief till 2032.
These predictions are not set in stone but are meant to guide and prepare you for what may come. Stay informed, stay prepared, and may India navigate these challenges with wisdom and strength.