Demistyfing Kaal-Sarpa Yoga
June 26, 2024
Astrologers may tell you Kaal Sarpa Dosh in your horoscope is making you homeless, unmarriageable, unemployed accident prone but many successful people around the world have this Kaal Sarpa Dosh. That’s why this is termed as Kaal Sarpa dosh and Yog both.
Historically, Rahu and Ketu gained prominence in Jyotish literature starting around 600-800 C.E. — long after the mainclassics were recorded. Therefore, Kala-Sarpa Yoga is not listed in the hoary classical works such as Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.
Whether the classical texts mention KSY or not, with the logical mindset set we can conclude that when all planets are inside Rahu-Ketu grip then it’s obvious there will be some power struggle in life, some out-of-the-box impractical desire can ruin the mental health of the person and his surroundings.

Conditions for having the effect of Kaal Sarpa Yoga
- All planets must be between Rahu to Ketu or Ketu to Rahu. It works either way
- Lagna has to be inside the Rahu-Ketu axis
- If one planet or Lagna is out of the Rahu-Ketu axis, K.S.Y. gets canceled.
- K.S.Y occurs even if a planet is in Conjunction with Rahu and Ketu, as long as it is degreecally within the Rahu-Ketu axis.
- Mainly two types of KSY are there; Anuloma – all planets moving towards Rahu (This type gives less trouble) & Viloma – all planets moving towards Ketu (Gives great prosperity but will give troubles side by side.)
- A true and full Kaal Sharp is formed only when all the planets are in continuous (Next or together in sequence) Rashi. The situation is worse when planets are evenly distributed.
● The initial days of life can be a bit of a struggle.
●He will move hell and heaven to make his dream happen, even to the extent of going against “Dharma”
●One single event will give a 180-degree turn to his life.
●No one can understand the pain of a man having Kala Sharp Yoga, none can see their pain. Just like we can’t see Rahu and Ketu. Only to watch it slip away like smoke.
●A person with a strong Rahu-Ketu grip or KSY whatever you may call it, also has maximum free will towards life. So it kinda makes or breaks a person if not channelized properly.
●Other strong Yogas in the horoscope will give their results even though KSY exists.
● A person gets betrayed by trusted friends and even relatives.
●Psychologically, KSY may produce a pattern of self-glorification (Rahu) mixed with self-mortification (Ketu).
●Emotionally there can be a deep conviction that one has been chosen as an agent of higher destiny. For example, Goerge Bush- the two-time US president who produced more war in the world than any other leaders in the name of peace.
● The result of KSY can be different if even one single planet is out of the Rahu-Ketu axis.
● A lot of famous personalities around the world have this Rahu-Ketu grip in their horoscope and they are famous. But if we follow their life story they were unable to do justice to their position because of their imbalanced personalities. This is why the seers considered it as a negative combination.
●There is also a certain sort of strong fate attached to this KSY. Maybe the person is very famous or powerful but some fated events are so harsh in life that their maximum free will couldn’t do anything about it. This is why this combination name conveys the feeling of the serpents encircling one’s life force.
●Though classical text didn’t mention KSY, all in all, I feel KSY exists and its bad effects are felt now because of the extreme deterioration in the value levels of mankind in general.
Life after Sarpa Dosh
●A curse exists on you because of killing Snakes in the past birth. True or not is not a matter of debate. Why only Snakes and not other animals is another point for debate. Go-Hattya yoga combination in a horoscope can stop all other good yogas from functioning.
●In short, Never hurt an animal. Even animals can curse.
●A butcher might have 200 Raja Yoga’s in a horoscope, but he will always remain a Butcher. If the yoga in a horoscope has to give its full promise, You need to walk the path of Dharma all the time.
●Standing by, and doing nothing when a crime is being committed is a bigger crime.
●In a country like India where almost everyone calls themselves a Guru and they all promise liberation. This could also be a reason for the karakas of Moksha and Gnyan ie., Rahu and Ketu, to inflict injury on a man’s life.
‘Kala’ means earth time and ‘Sharpa’ means Serpent. This means Kaal-Sharpa-Yoga = the serpent force that has enclosed your entire incarnation. The result of it depends on the formation of KSY in our horoscope. The Rahu-Ketu axis decides what sort of result it will deliver in life as per the houses not signs. So there are 12 types of KSY results we can experience in life.
Rahu sitting in Lagna and all the planets sitting till the 7th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting in the 8th to 12th house. This is Shavya form of KSY. Ananta means endless, boundless, eternal, infinite, sky. Ananta is the No 1 brother among all Nagas. Ananta KSY makes a person short-tempered, impatient, and difficult to satisfy, with the result thatalliances and partnerships become frustrating and unbalanced. Mostly they are ready to do anything for their desire. These people should worship Lord Vishnu regularly.
Rahu sitting in the second house and all the planets sitting till the 8th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 9th to Lagna. Such a person loses control of his tongue and says harmful things. Keep cursing others. If the disposition of Rahu means 2nd lord is not good in the horoscope then the person will have an addiction to smoke or drugs etc. Can have some surgery as well. Such people should worship Nagas during Panchami tithi.
Rahu sitting in the 3rd house and all the planets are sitting till the 9th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 10th to the 2nd house. Struggle in earlier life, can be overburdened by duties and responsibilities. Doesn’t like overly doing rituals. But with time and handwork, they flourish in life. But they need a strong master or guide in life. These people should pray to Mahadevji regularly.
Rahu sitting in the 4TH house and all the planets are sitting till the 10th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 11th to the 3rd house. Has a good mind to understand how quickly money can be earned. But good in emotional drama and blackmailing. Demand a lot of privilege and respect in society rather than working to earn the respect. Even if they get some good opportunity for a better position or post or visibility to work for, they reject it due to their bad judgment. They should keep praying to Aditya.
Rahu sitting in 5TH house and all the planets are sitting till the 11th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 12th to the 4th house. This talks about the steps we take towards spirituality or higher knowledge. Knowledge and skill or by birth talent can be a lot but how to use that talent. They should worship Lakshmi-Narayan regularly.
Rahu sitting in 6TH house and all the planets are sitting till the 12th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from Lagna to the 5th house. Such people give a large impression in the world if Lagna lord is not in trouble. Very materialistic approach they have for life. Criminal desires and a multitude of broken promises. They should worship Ganeshji regularly.
Rahu sitting in the 7th house and all the planets are sitting till Lagna of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 2nd to 6th house. This is called Apasavya formation. Such people are very unsocial even though Rahu is in the 7th house. Headache and irritation come easily on them. A strange duality they have in their personality. At times they want everything in life, but in the next moment, they feel so detached. They are never that lucky with ancestral property. They should regularly worship Shiv-Parvati.
Rahu sitting in the 8th house and all the planets are sitting till the 2nd house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 3rd to 7th house. They seem to be very mysterious in the beginning but they are not. Prolonged diseases can keep bugging them. But initially, life is easy for them, and much struggle is needed. Here free will works on a minimum level for them. Whatever is fated will not be able to alter even a bit of it. They should worship Kali Mata regularly.
Rahu sitting in the 9th house and all the planets are sitting till the 3rd house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 4th to 8th house. Mental volatility is so high for them. It breaks many close relations with family or relatives. A bit apathetic towards others, even if they are not still they sound a bit less sympathetic. They should refrain from financial risk-taking in life. They should worship regularly Hanumanji.
Rahu sitting in the 10th house and all the planets are sitting till the 4th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 5th to the 9th house. A person can act like a dictator at times. A bit of no-nonsense personality. There are not many domestic types of people. The urge for public recognition is very high. Mostly they are engrossed in self. They want to do something so remarkable which was never done in history. Margaret Thatcher was the first woman PM of England andhistory will remember her forever. These people are good for bringing reform but bad in their personal lives. They should worship Gayatri Mata regularly.
Rahu sitting in the 11th house and all the planets are sitting till the 5th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 6th to the 10th house. They are highly receptive people. Get’s influenced by others very often. Power can damage them and their dharma as well. Can deceit others easily of 11th lord is not strong in the horoscope. Quite a bit risk taker the person will be. Still, I will say among all the KSY this type of KSY is the best. But these people should know how to utilize their money on time. They should worship Durga Mata regularly.
Rahu sitting in the 12th house and all the planets are sitting till the 6th house of Ketu, no other planets are sitting from the 7th to 11th house. Here you cannot deceive the person with false expectation. This is the best thing among them. As they are not too much desire-driven. Physically they are not that active but their brain is very active. They hardly come to any resolution in life. They should regularly serve Pure Brahmins.
As Rahu-Ketu represents the grandparents. In old times grandparents certainly were an integral part of a family andprobably they were the decision makers and did get the respect they deserved. These practices are no more in the country. This is causing strife in our lives.
Figuratively, Rahu and Ketu are smoky planets. Rahu representing Muslims has made that smoke real. The habit of ‘Hookah’ came to India by about 1200 years ago from the Persians. There is no evidence that anyone in India smoked before 1200 years. The infiltration of the Hookah became cigars, cigarettes, Beedis, and pipes. Giving in to these temptations by itself is a punishment and KSY would have done its job.
The credit for the invention of computers (something new, out of the way, and futuristic) can be given to Rahu. Irrespective of all the great things happening because of computers, the misuse of a website, and cyber-crimes are very well-known. This is another reason for KSY to manifest as a trouble in recent times.
Vedic Mantra for Rahu :
ॐ कया नश्चित्र आ भुवदूती सदावृध: सखा। कया शचिष्ठया वृता।।
Vedic Mantra for Ketu :
ॐ केतुं कृण्वन्नकेतवे पेशो मर्या अपेशसे। समुषद्भिरजायथा:।।