Sri Durga Saptashati – ChandiPatha
June 26, 2024
Sri Durga Saptashati – ChandiPatha
Devi Durga is known as Goddess of Power. Her presence is all pervading.

She is the source of all creation, righteousness and She is the revealer of truth. Shri Durga Saptashati (seven hundred Verses of Devi Durga) is the most popular text read and chanted by devotees of Shri Durga. It is a well-established belief and faith of devotees that reading, chanting and listening of Durga Saptashati fulfills all their wishful desires.
As per the traditions prevelent, it is established that Durga Saptashati pacifies negative influence of Planets; it is definite source of success in all areas of life; it is infinite source of attainment of knowledge, peace, happiness, auspiciousness, good fortune, fame, and long life; prevents and eliminates all kinds of negativities, misfortunes, fears, sufferings, diseases, calamities, hurdles, obstacles, sorrows, ill-effects of the sins and distresses; brings support of nature, comfort, and happiness; liberates from bondages, helps to acquire wealth, authority and power.
Sri Durga Saptashati which is also known as Devi Mahatmya & Chandi Path is a Hindu religious text describing the victory of the Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. It is part of the MarkandeyaPurana, written by sage Markandeya. It’s an annual Hindu festival dedicated to Goddess Durga. Durga Puja is celebrated during Devi Paksha which is 15 days period of Ashwin lunar month as per Hindu calendar. Devi Paksha begins on the next day of Sarvapitru Amavasya and ends on Kojagori Lokkhi Puja.
Devi Paksha literally translates to “Fortnight of the Goddess”.
The text contains Saptashata i.e. 700 verses- hence the whole composition is known as DurgaSaptashati. The seven hundred verses are arranged into 13 chapters. For ritual reading purposes a number of subsidiary texts are appended before and after of 700 verses. A ritualistic reading of DurgaSaptashati is part of the Navratri celebrations in the honor of the Goddess Durga.
Origin Significance Of Durga Puja
According to Hindu religious texts, before the era of Lord Rama, Chaitra Navratri used to be the most significant time to worship Goddess Durga.
However, the significance of Chaitra Navratri declined andDurga Puja began to be celebrated during the era of Lord Rama.
As per Puranic legends, Lord Rama worshipped Goddess Durga before going to war with Ravana. It is believed that Lord Rama had performed ChandiHoma and sought the blessing of Goddess Durga before going to war.
As it was an untimely invocation of Goddess Durga, the worshipping of Goddess Durga during this time of the year is also known as Akal Bodhan i.e. untimely invocation. As Lord Rama was blessed with victory over powerful demon Ravana, this time of the year is considered the most suitable to seek blessings of Goddess Durga and to perform ChandiHoma.
As per Devi Mahatmya, Durga Puja festival marks the victory of Goddess Durga over Mahishasura. Hence Durga Puja festival is observed as the victory of good over evil.
Durga Puja Timings
Durga Puja is the most significant festival in West Bengal. However, the date and time of Durga Puja is decided based on the lunar calendar. Hence in Bengali calendar, the date of Durga Puja is not fixed and shifts according to the pattern of the moon.
Although, the next day of Mahalaya marks the beginning of Devi Paksha, the ritualistic Durga Puja begins on the sixth day of Devi Paksha. However, the narration of ChandiPatha in West Bengal begins from the day of Mahalaya i.e. a day before Devi Paksha begins.
Shaptshati Path Vidhi
Many have misunderstood the concept of navratri and have been follow astratri (8 nights), (Doing yagya on the 8th day or following faulty calenders where two days are compressed into one day- usually to suit the convenience of the worshipper and complete the entire navratri in 8 days).
Navratri means ‘Nav’ 9 & ‘ratri’ means night. Navratri is celebrated and goddess is worshiped for 9 Nights.
Yagya (Fire Homa) generally is ‘Purna-ahuti’ i.e. When you do Purnahuti that means that the puja/ rituals are over. So that is why Yagna or Yagya must be done at the end of Navratri which is on the 9th day, the day of Goddess Sidhidatri.
Goddess Sidhidatri gives sidhi to all the prayers and chant (Tapasya) you have done in the last 8 days, including the 9th day. After the 9th day puja one should then perform homa, Yagya (Purna-ahuti) to complete the puja and all the mantras we have chanted in the time of navratri. The most powerful mantra to do yagya and make the goddess happy is
– ‘Om Aing Hring Kling Chamundaye Vichay’
It is the most powerful and significant composition to perform, to gain wealth, success and to conquer over enemies.
Important And Powerful Stotra’s In Sri DurgaShaptshati
- A) Saptashloki Durga (Prayers of Goddess durga in 7 Sholkas)
- B) Durga Dwatrisha-naamali (Invoking goddess with 32 Names)
- C) Durga-ashtottara shatanama Stotram (Invoking the goddess through her powerful 100 names)
- D) Tantroktam Ratri Suktam (Invoking goddess Mahamaya ( for liberation and destroying all evil)
- E) Devi Kavacham (Invoking goddess for protection of every single part of body, seeking protection for wealth and Family)
- F) Siddha-Kunjika Stotram (One of the most powerful stotra in Shri durgashaptshati, lord shiva himself narrates these mantras to Goddess Parvati
The DurgaShaptshati Has Three Parts (Khand) Or Charitra.
There are a total of 13 chapters with 700 Shlokas/Mantras in it.
First (Pratham) Charitra in Durgashaptshati dedicated to goddess kaali (Mahamaya) from where the Tantrokt Ratrisooktam has been taken. It is the prayer/stuti lord bramha did to goddess Mahamaya to save him from demons (Madhu-kaitabh), by awaking lord Sri HariVishnu who was in deep yogic sleep (Yognidra).First Charitra has Chapter 1 – Medha Rishi ka Raja Surathaaur Samadhi ko Bhagawati ki Mahima Batate hue Madhu-Kaitabha-Vadhaka- Prasanga.
Chapter 2-3-4 is Madhyam Charitra dedicated to goddess Sri Mahalaxmi – the main and most powerful part of shaptshati where the 18 Hands Goddess Mahalaxmi (Sidhi-Datri) takes a roop of Astabhuji durga (how every gods and goddess power combined to form a roop of Astabhuji, singhvahini (sherawali-mata) and Kills Mahisasur and is worshiped as Goddess Mahisasurmardini.
Madhyam Or Second Charitra
Chapter 2 – Devataon ke Teja se Devi ka Pradurbhava aur Mahishasura ki Sena ka VadhaChapter 3 – Senapation sahit Mahishasuraka Vadha Fourth Chapter – Indradi-Devataondwara Devi ki StutiChapter 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13 is the Uttam Charitra dedicated to Goddess mahasaraswati which bestows knowledge wealth and gives peace in family. In other words, theses are the eternal peace and contentment prayers.
Uttam Or Third Charitra
Fifth Chapter – Devataondwara Devi kiStuti, Chanda- Munda ke Mukha se
Ambika ke Rupa ki prashansha sunkara Shumbhakaunkepasa Duta bhejanaaur Duta kanirashalautana.
Sixth Chapter – DhumralochanaVadha
Ninth Chapter – Nishumbha Vadha Tenth Chapter – Shumbha Vadha
Eleventh Chapter – Devataon dwara Devi ki Stuti tatha Devi dwara Devataon ko Vardana
Twelfth Chapter – Devi Charitron ke patha ka Mahatmya.
Thirteenth Chapter – Suratha aur Vaishya ko Devi ka Vardana.
One of the most powerful mantra of Goddess Durga –
‘Om aing hring Kling chamundaye Vichay.’
The mantra basically says “the creation (Aing), sustenance or balanced maintenance (Hring) and dissolution (kling) of various objects at gross subtle or abstract levels, is for the Divine Mother’s chaamunda (Durga) awareness.
@Shiva is cosmic potential energy, Shakti is cosmic Kinetic Energy.
Shiva is the static consciousness or the potential energy, shakti the dynamic or kinetic transformation of this potential energy. we should be aware of our thoughts as they translate to action. it takes a steady mind. remember and practice the dharanas in vigyan bhairav tantra and hatha yoga. watch those unguarded thoughts. They are not real. It is maya or kinetic energy in action.
The only real moment is now. when shiva and shakti are in balance.
Discover thy self. The pure unconditioned energy. Shiva shakti worship is nature worship.. Live long and strong close to nature. Hara Hara Mahadeva.
Boom shankara.
This mantra is considered to be very powerful. Chanting this mantra specifically in the time of Navratri blesses one with the essence of strength, will power, knowledge and prosperity.
(Which many other mantras do but the viberation and velocity of this mantra is 10x times more powerful in comparison to many other mantras)
Now, What Are The Ways Of Doing Chandi Path?
There are many different ways to perform chandipujan, path but the most powerful vidhi is generally to read all the chapters – (13 chapters) everyday for 9 Days in Navratri. Vidhi-
1) Chandi Kavacham.
2) Argala Stotram.
3) Keelak Stotram.
4) 108 time chanting of Narvaran Mantra -I.ainghring Kling chamundayeVichay).
5) DurgaPaath chapter 1 to 13..
6) 108 time chanting of Narvaran Mantra-I. fu fill m ainghring Kling chamundayeVichay).
7) SidhaKunjikaStotram.
8) KchamaPrarthana.
The Few Vidhis Of Chandi Path Are Vidhi A) Doing Durga Path In 3
Charitra 3 Times In 9 Days
1st day – PrathamCharitra (Mahakali) – Chapter 1.
2nd Day – MadhyamCharitra (MahaLaxmi) – Chapter 2-3-4.
3rd Day – UttamCharitra(MahaSaraswati) – Chapter 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13.
Again 4th day Prathamcharitra, Fifth day – Madhyamcharitra, 6th day
Uttamcharitra, 7th PrathamCharitra,
8th day Madhyamcharitra, 9th day Uttamcharitra and Purnahuti.
This way three full prayer rituals would be done in 9 days of Navratri for Mahakali, mahalaxmi and mahasaraswati. Vidhi B) Do any one Charitra of Chandi path (Either pratham, madhyam or uttamcharitra) everyday for 9 days.People who desire for power and destroying enemies do the PrathamCharitra path for 9 days.People who desire for wealth happiness prosperity does the Madhyamcharitra path for 9 days. People who desire for knowledge, spiritual conciousness do the Uttamcharitra path for 9 days. Vidhi
- C) Some people who dont or cant do any charitra path can still do Chandi path by reading justekadashadhyay -11 chapters for 9 days includingChandikavcham, SidhikunjikaStotram and Chama Prarthana and gain blessing of goddess Durga.