
Hessonite is a deep brown or honey colored, semi-precious gemstone from the grossular Garnet mineral family. It is worn to overcome negative effects of Rahu as well as to gain power, wealth and success in public careers, jobs and businesses.


Hessonite is a variety of Grossularite Garnet. It’s color ranges from a warm brownish yellow, brownish orange to brownish red. A good quality Hessonite, is one that reflects the color of the urine of a cow, that is, having a nice honey color.

The most excellent varieties of this gem come from the Island country of Sri Lanka.

They are called Ceyloni Hessonites.

  • Day of Wearing Hessonite: Wednesday &


  • Metal for Hessonite: Silver
  • Finger for Hessonite: Middle Finger


The popular names of a Hessonite are Gomedak, Gomed, Gomedh, Pingasphatik, Tamomani, Rahuratna, Tranavar. In English it is known as Cinnamon-Stone because of its historic connection with the Spice producing country of Sri Lanka.

In Chinese Pissi and in Arabic it is known as Hazar Yamani.

According to the text of Jatakatatva, hessonite is the jyotish gemstone of Rahu (Caput Dreconis or Dragon’s Head). Rahu makes its natives mutinous, detrimental, reckless and secretive. Rahu is shown as a disembodied head riding a chariot and shouting obscenities. The chariot is drawn by a tiger, representing the mind wandering in the forest of desires. Rahu is neutral, active and disruptive. He disturbs the psychological make-up of the natives and creates confusion in their minds.

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