
The Blue Sapphire is a gem of the corundum family. It is a smooth, transparent shining stone in blue having a tremendous power to attract. Their color ranges from very light to very dark greenish or violet blue, and in various shades of blue.


Blue Sapphire is known in Sanskrit as Neelam. Indraneel, Nelashma, Neelaratna, neelamani, Shaniratna and Shanipriya are the common Indian names. In Persian as Yakoot or Kabood.

  • Day of Wearing Yellow Sapphire: Saturday
  • Metal for Yellow Sapphire: Silver/Platinum
  • Finger for Yellow Sapphire: Middle Finger


According to the sacred texts, Saturn or Shani’s gem is the Blue Sapphire. Saturn plays a huge role in changing its native’s luck from one extreme to another in no time. It can turn a underprivileged man into a prosperous man, similarly the opposite too can happen. He can make a person be rid of all sickness. He can cause death through accidents and other causes. Therefore while wearing his gem one has to be extremely careful. His Puja has to be observed with the strictest vigil in order to avoid his wrath.

Saturn is impartial, lethargic, inactive, and malefic. The Planet of darkness and confinement, it governs the skeleton, skin, and nervous system, and old age. It makes its natives reserved, reflective, rebellious, and patient. Saturn rides a crow which is a scavenger. In one hand he holds a sword of lawlessness and terrorism, and in another hand a trident of Shiva (the trident of destruction). In his third hand he holds a mace of strength and material power, and in fourth hand the reigns of the crow.

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