What’s in a name? A Lot!
June 26, 2024
नामाखिलस्य व्यवहार हेतुःशुभावहं कर्म सुभाग्य हेतुः।
Name is the cause of all behavior, goodness is the cause of action, good fortune.

A word to call us, refer us, that becomes our identity—Our Name. Giving our kids a name is a vital task. Cause, that develops a basic responsive system in a child, and as well gives them a sense of self. Nevertheless, only your official name will allow you to withdraw money from the bank, get an inheritance, and many more. Which means your name supports your financial strength as well. Therefore we ought to take into consideration many aspects along with sentimental values or worldly aesthetics while choosing a name. Your name ties you with your culture, community, and land of your ancestors.
Importance of Naamkaran
Among 16 Sanskars, Naam Karan is the 4th one in a person’s life. The essence of the Namkaran Sanskar lies in the deep connection between the divine and the child, as the chosen name is believed to shape the child’s destiny.
आयुर्वेदभिवृद्धिश्च सिद्धिर्व्यवहतेस्तथा।
नामकर्मफलं त्वेतत् समुदृष्टं मनीषिभि:।।
Naamkaran Sanskar is a blessing for a child for a long life and great wisdom. A person becomes popular in this world by his name. By this very name, a person shapes his behavior, code of conduct, and deeds and creates a meaningful identity for himself.
After the baby is born, Sutak goes on for several days. After the Sutak period, the Naamkaran ceremony happens. For Brahmins, Naamkaran should be on the 10th day after birth, for Kashyatriya the 12th day, for Vaishya the 15th day, and for Shudras after one month.
दशम्यामुत्थाप्य पिता नाम करोति.
Which means after 10days of birth, father of the child keeps the name.
A well-chosen name can bestow blessings and guide the child’s life path. The choice of name is often inspired by the qualities and virtues that parents wish to instill in their children, signifying the hopes and aspirations for their future.
The selection of a name is, therefore, not just a matter of identity but also a way to bestow specific vibrations that canalign with a child’s material & spiritual growth.
To find this you need to consult a good astrologer, who can find the right name that can enhance luck and skill, providing a positive influence on the child for life long as per planetary positions in the natal chart.
Choosing the Right Name…
The name is chosen based on a variety of factors, including astrological significance and familial traditions.
The resonance of each syllable in a name is thought to shape the child’s destiny, echoing the ancient belief in the power of spoken words.
The first syllable is believed to be especially significant, as it sets the tone for the rest of the name.
The number of syllables can also have an impact.
The ending sound is said to carry the energy outward, leaving a lasting impression on those who hear it.
Keeping all these in mind, a positive suitable name can be selected based on these 5 factors.
Janam Nakshatranam – Keeping the name as per the Moon Nakshatra in horoscope, which is a precise selection.
Masanam – Keeping a name as per the birth month.
Devatanama – Keeping name as per the Family tradition and worshiping Deity.
Rashinama – Keeping name as per the birth Rashi, which is a bit
Samsarikanama – A name as per the traditional work of the family.
Parents are now blending traditional values with modern sensibilities to choose names to resonate with global cultures.
Bollywood Name: Names from popular movies, books, and celebrities have started to influence naming choices, reflecting the current trends and societal preferences. After DDLJ, Simran & Raj’s name becomes so popular in Indian society. After several roles of Salman Khan as Prem, boys started keeping such names.
Gender-neutral name: There’s a growing preference for names that do not conform to traditional gender roles, signifying a shift towards inclusivity and equality.
Digital Age Name: With the advent of the internet, parents have access to a vast array of names from different cultures and languages, expanding the pool of options.
Social Media Name: There is a new social media trend going on, keeping the baby name which will be a combination of the names of mother and father, and mostly these combination names have no real meaning in any language, giving a meaningless tint to the child’s life.
Why Consult an Astrologer for Names?
Selecting a Name as per the Nakshatra in the horoscope or pinpointing the perfect syllable for the name which will induce long-term positivity in every direction of life, even keeping the family traditions intact is a very meticulous job. Energy, vibration, and meaning of name anything that goes wrong will make the person imbalance. So parents should not take this lightly. You need an expert for this. That’s when the role of an Astrologer comes.
Till 12 years of age, a child has the maximum impact of his or her name psychologically, emotionally, and of coursespiritually. That’s a very fragile time for any child. Their basic response system starts developing at that age by their name. Till 12 years of age, they learn all the new things about the world, their common sense gets developed and that’s where NAME becomes the most important word in their life.
12 years, cause that’s when Jupiter- the celestial Guru completes his one revolution in the entire zodiac. That’s why this span of life plays a very vital role in learning, shaping up a positive mindset sets prosperity and good fortune.
Names can influence our expectations and judgments. A name that sounds prestigious may lead us to expect success and competence, while a name with negative associations can lead to bias and prejudice. A child with the name Rudra will be more hyper and have a more aggressive approach than any other child of his age. That’s the impact of a Name on a person during those initial years.
That’s why it is suggested to consult a good astrologer who can study all the Nakshatra positioning in the horoscope of a child and finalize the best positive energy-delivering syllable for the name.
Each Nakshatra denotes 4 syllables and we have 27 Nakshatras so a total of 108 syllables to play around with. But Among all which nakshatra Pada is falling in which house and its lord’s positioning decides positive-negative impact in life. Moon Nakshatra is not always the one for naming the child. Quite complicated, isn’t it?
Then comes the numbers associated with the name, the meaning of the name, and finally comes family history. As I said, it’s a lengthy meticulous job for that you need an expert.
Hereby, it’s very crucial to consult an astrologer or a Pandit sharing expertise in Naamkaran.
In my humble opinion, I do not support the process of keeping the name as per Janma Nakshatra, as this has some negative impact too. If anyone wants to do any evil practice on you, by knowing your Name that person will be knowingyour Janma Rashi along with Nakshatra Pada. That will be very easy for anyone to target you for all negative practices. As explained above, the most positive Nakshatra with the highest benefit point as per horoscope should be the name decider for a person.
You can reach TheTreasureGuy for more astrological insights, and guidance that can help to lead a rightful and merry life.
This ritual not only signifies the importance of a name in an individual’s life but also connects the child to their heritage, astrological beliefs, and the larger cosmos