
Everything You Need To know About Kundalini

What is Kundalini? Well, it is the representation of the consciousness of mankind.Furthermore, it is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and is situated at the root of the spinal column. In the male body, it is situated in the perineum, which is between the urinary and excretory organs.Whereas in a female body it is located at the root of the uterus, in the cervix. In actuality, it is a physical structure whose center is called the “Mooladhara Chakra.” You will be amazed to know that it is a small gland that can be even taken out and pressed. Nevertheless, kundalini is dormant energy, which even when pressed will not end up exploding like a bomb. In order to awaken kundalini, one needs to practice yogic techniques and practice it himself/herself. For this can perform and practise asanas, pranayama, kriya yoga and meditation. Once you are able to generate force in the prana, which is into the seat of kundalini. The energy wakes up and paves its way through the sushumna nadi, the central nervous canal, to the brain.

Discovery of Kundalini by mankind:-

From the inception of creation, humans witnessed various transcendental occurrences. Where he had the ability to read other’s and could foresee the predictions turning true. And sometimes he could even witness his own dreams manifesting into reality. He also noticed the fact that every person had different capabilities/skills viz. composing music, articulating beautifully through their poems, fighting on the battleground at a stretch, etc. Therefore, he was very curious to know how each person is different from the other. In this process, he gathered the fact that every individual possesses a special form of energy within. Where in, some people it was inactive whereas in some it was evolving. Lastly, in a very small minority of people, it was actually awakened. To begin with, humans named this energy after gods, goddesses, angels and divinities. Eventually, discovered prana, which he called prana shakti.

When the Kundalini ascends:-

There is a snake/serpent coiled in the mooladhara chakra at the end of the tail bone (in a triangular shape). The snake has three knots on his body, this snake is called kundalini shakti. So, when a person performs Tapasya/meditation, there are different ways of enlightening oneself. In order to generate and activate the cosmic energies/cosmic powerhouse and to activate kundalini chakra. For this, some follow meditation, yoga, mantra and other kinds of practice. However, the most powerful form is the spiritual practice through mantra along with meditation (dhyana). So, when one reaches that level of consciousness where the focus is that powerful. The snake starts to decoil and flows in an upward direction. The human body consists of 3 nadiyaan at the end of the tail bone i.e. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. When the kundalini rises up, it passes through each of the chakras that are interconnected with the brain’s different silent areas. Thereby, kundalini awakens and creates an explosion in the brain as the dormant/sleeping areas start blooming like flowers.Hence, it is associated with the awakening of the silent areas of the brain.

Let’s dig deeper to understand better:-

Kundalini has got various names attached to it, where in Sanskrit kundal means a coil, hence kundalini has been described as something that is coiled. However, this is a traditional belief, and is incorrectly understood. As the the word kundalini actually came from the word kunda, which means “a deeper place, pit or cavity”.The fire used in the initiation of a ceremony is kindled in a pit known as kunda.

Similarly, the place where a dead body is burned is called kunda. So, if one digs a ditch or a hole it is referred to as a kunda. Furthermore, kunda refers to the concave cavity in which the brain resembles a coiled and sleeping serpent, nestles. (If you ever get a chance to examine a dissection of the human brain, you witness that it is in the form of a coil/snake curled up upon itself.) This is what is called as the true meaning of kundalini. Where, the word kundalini refers to the shakti or power when it is in its dormant potential state. However, when it is manifesting, we call it Devi, Kali, Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi or by any other name according to the manifestation it exhibits before you.

The Chakras:-

When defined literally a chakra means a ‘wheel or circle’, however, in the yogic perspective it is referred to as the Sanskrit term i.e. the ‘vortex or whirlpool’. The chakras are referred to as the vortices of psychic energy. They are visualized and experienced as the circular movements of energy occurring at a particular rate of vibration. In each person, there are myriads of chakras yet in the practice of tantra and yoga, only a few principles are being utilized. These chakras range from the full spectrum of human being’s gross to the subtle. These chakras are physiological as well as psychic centers, whose structures correspond more or less with the traditional description. These nerve centers are not located inside the spinal cord yet it is like junctions on the interior walls of the spinal column. One can witness the spinal cord at different levels where the grey matter is seen in the cross-section, which resembles the lotus shape. Also, the ascending and descending tracts of nerve fibres correspond to the nadis. These communicating nerve fibres are believed to control the different physiological functions of that portion of the body.

The nadis that emerge from each chakra carry prana in both directions. Where, there is a forward and backward pranic motion in the Nadis, analogous to the flow of alternating current in electrical wires. The outgoing communication and the incoming reaction enter and exit the chakra in the form of this pranic flow in the corresponding nadis. There are six chakras in the human body that are directly connected with the higher unillumined center of the brain.

Let us know each of them:-

All the 7 chakras have different colors associated with them, which has a meaning to itself.

1) Crown Chakra (SAHASRARA): I understand

2) Colour: Purest White/Violet.

3) Associated with: Knowledge, Consciousness, Fulfilment and Spirituality.

4) Element: Beyond the elements.

5) Bija Mantra:OM

6) Suggested Crystal: Diamond.

This chakra is located on the top of the head, which is also known as the 1000 petalled Lotus consisting of different colours that are arranged in 20 layers, with approximately 50 petals each. The primary quality of this chakra is the integration and a sense of oneness with all the elements of the universe.

1) Third Eye Chakra (AJNA): I see

2) Colour: Indigo.

3) Associated with: Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation and Trust.

4) Element: Command center of the elements

5) Yantra: Voilet oval with 5 beams of light.

6) Bija Mantra:Ham or Ksham

7) Suggested Crystal: Amethyst.

Ajna is one of the most important chakras, which corresponds to the pineal gland, lying in the midline of the brain directly above the spinal column. Where it controls the muscles and the onset of sexual activity in man. Tantra and yoga maintain the Ajna chakra, the command center, has complete control over all the functions of the disciple’s life.

1) Throat Chakra (VISHUDDHA): I talk

2) Colour: Blue.

3) Associated with: Communication, Expression, Creativity and Inspiration.

4) Element: Space

5) Yantra: Smokey grey egg in a white circle

6) Bija Mantra:Ham

7) Suggested Crystal: Lapis Lazuli.

The chakra lies at the level of the throat pit in the vertebral column. Where, it corresponds to the cervical plexus of nerves and controls the thyroid complex and also some systems of articulation, the upper palate and the epiglottis.

1) Heart Chakra (ANAHATA):love

2) Colour: Green.

3) Associated with: Acceptance, Love, Compassion and Sincerity.

4) Element: Air

5) Yantra: Blue six-pointed star.

6) Bija Mantra:Yam

7) Suggested Crystal: Rose Quartz.

The chakra lies in the vertebral column behind the base of the heart, at the level of the depression in the sternum. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus of nerves and is said to control the functions of the heart, lungs, diaphragm and other organs in this region of the body

1) Solar Plexus Chakra (MANIPURA): I Do

2) Colour: Yellow.

3) Associated with:Strength, Personality, Power and Determination.

4) Element: Fire

5) Yantra:Inverted red triangle

6) Bija Mantra:Ram

7) Suggested Crystal: Tiger’s eye

The chakra is situated in the spinal column, which is exactly at the level of the navel.

It corresponds to the solar plexus and controls the entire digestion processes, assimilation and temperature regulation in the body.

1) Sacral Chakra (SVADHISHTANA): I Feel

2) Colour: Orange.

3) Associated with:Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure and Sociability.

4) Element: Water

5) Yantra: A silver crescent moon

6) Bija Mantra: Vam

7) Suggested Crystal: Amber or Citrine.

This chakra is located at the lowest point or termination of the spinal cord that corresponds to the sacral plexus of nerves and controls the unconscious in a human.

1) Root Chakra (MULADHARA): I Am

2) Colour: Red.

3) Associated with: Energy, Stability, Comfort and Safety

4) Element: Earth

5) Yantra:Golden square

6) Bija Mantra:Lam

7) Suggested Crystal:Red jasper

It is that stage where the spiritual evolution of human beings, one goes beyond animal consciousness and acts like a real human being. It is the last chakra that completes animal evolution. It is stated that the mooladhara chakra is right down to the heels are is connected with other chakras. It is responsible for the development of the animal and human qualities of instincts and intellect. From mooladhara chakra upwards lies the chakras which are concerned with the illumination and evolution of the supreme human. This chakra has control over the entire range of excretory and sexual functions in man.

Despite the fact that kundalini is said to live in mooladhara chakra, but interestingly we all reach different stages of evolution. Where in, some of us kundalini may have already reached Swadhisthana, Manipura or Anahata chakra. In such a scenario, whatever sadhana is performed, one might start an awakening in Anahata or some other chakra. Even so, the awakening of kundalini in mooladhara chakra is one perspective, and awakening in Sahasrara (which is the highest centre of the brain) is another. It is important to understand that our present consciousness is not independent, as the mind is dependent on the information supplied by the senses. In simple words, it is as good as saying that if you don’t possess eyes, you won’t be able to see anything. Likewise, if you are deaf, you won’t be able to hear anything.

However, having said that on the emergence of superconsciousness, the experience becomes completely independent and knowledge also becomes completely independent. These chakras serve as switches for turning on different parts of the brain. The awakening that is brought in the chakras is conducted to the higher centers in the brain via the nadis.

How to meditate:-

Just find a peaceful place where you need to sit straight and start the meditation.

Just remember that your feet shouldn’t directly touch the ground. For this, you can sit on a fabric/cloth, sofa, chair or whatever is comfortable for sitting purposes for a considerable duration. Now, concentrate on the divine light which is situated in the centre of the forehead. This is termed as samprkeshy asikagram i.e. the place in the centre of the forehead and not on the nose tip. This entire process of divine meditation can only be commenced by an enlightened master who himself has witnessed god and can direct someone in the right at the time of Deeksha.

Eventually, we have to concentrate our mind on that divine light. On practising this on a daily basis, one can attain oneness with God. One who gives up all sorts of attachments, every kind of fear, all the anger. The one whose soul entirely devotes itself to god and who has taken refuge for the god, whose heart becomes purified, with whatsoever desire comes to the god. God will bestow everything to him.

Hence, worshipping him through knowledge, love, or repudiation.

Methods of Awakening:

  • Mantra or mantra meditation.
  • Mansik meditation where one needs to do everything in mind by closing their eyes and concentrating on a dot between the third eye. Further chant mantras and imagine the dot in different forms of shiva or shakti or any idol one prayers or focuses on.
  • Tapasya is a means of purification, where one needs to burn set fire so that the process of elimination is created. This is not in the physical body, but in the mental and emotional bodies.
  • Where the whole personality is cleansed from all the dirt, complexes and behavioral patterns that causes pain and suffering.
  • It is the eighth method of awakening kundalini through tantric initiation, which is a very secret topic. So, only those individuals who have transcended passions, and who understand the two principles of nature, Shiva and Shakti, are entitled for this initiation.
  • Shaktipat is the ninth method of awakening, which is performed by the guru. Where the awakening is instant, but it is just a glimpse and not a permanent event. The guru creates this by awakening an individual and making him/her experience samadhi. In this, one can practise all forms of pranayama and asanas, mudras and bandhas without having learned/ prepared for them. One can witness the changes that take place in the physical body instantly. Where, the skin becomes very soft, the eyes glow and the body emits a particular aroma that is neither agreeable or disagreeable. It can be transmitted through touch, handkerchief, a mala, a flower and a fruit or anything which is edible (It can even be transmitted by letter/telegram/telephone). This depends on the system that the guru has mastered.
  • Stages in meditation:-
  • Meditation consists of 3 stages. Where, the first is called dharana, which means concentrating the mind on an object. This can be explained as where one tries to concentrate his/her mind on this glass, and excludes every other object from the mind except this glass. But the mind might waver still. However, when it becomes strong and does not waver so much, it is known as dhyana i.e. meditation.
  • Furthermore, there is a higher state when the differentiation between the glass and individual is lost, which is referred to as samadhi or absorption. Then the mind and glass seem to be identical and one cannot witness/see any difference. While, all the senses stop and all powers that have been working through the senses of other channels get focused in the mind. Then this glass gets under the power of the mind entirely. One has to realize that it is a massive play played by the Yogis. When taken for granted, the external object exist. But then what is really outside of us is not what we see. In that case, certainly the glass that one sees is not the external object. That external something which is the glass one can/will never know.

End Note:-

This article is an articulation of what is Kundalini and the entire realm it plays a role in. The kundalini is the explosion of human consciousness, which society tries to pin down in various ways. Which makes one stay on the earth without the freedom to fly, however when you awaken your chakras you attain pleasure i.e. the zenith of spiritual pleasure. It teaches you everything, giving away a sense of liberation by being the wind beneath your wings. When can truly attain this by daily practice and devotion to this.

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